Raised intracranial pressure is the most important indication for surgical intervention, the cyst should be as much as possible of making free communication with the peritoneal cavity or cisterns. 凡囊肿有颅内高压者,充分建立囊腔与周围脑池或腹腔之间的交通是手术成功的关键。
The correlation between blood flow velocity in intracranial aneurysm cavity and the size of aneurysm 颅内动脉瘤内血流速度与瘤腔大小的相关性
The complications included intracranial infection in one patient and surgical hematoma of tumor cavity in one patient. Two patients with glioma recurrence were re-operated on at the 4th and 11th month respectively. 1例发生脑室内感染,经强力抗感染控制,1例发生瘤腔积血再手术清除,2例胶质瘤复发分别于术后4、11个月再次手术。
Results Intracranial hemorrhage of 124 cases ( 71.68%) involved two or more anatomical areas, which were often subdural cavity, subarachnoidal cavity, and brain parenchyma, and may be accompanied with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy and cerebral infarct. 结果2个或2个以上部位出血共124例(71.68%),常为硬膜下、蛛网膜下腔、脑实质多部位混合性出血,可伴有缺氧缺血性脑病及大片脑梗塞。
Conclusion As the technique of hard channel micro-invasive less disturb intracranial pressure, it can be performed continuously and solid hematoma can be cleared out after injecting urokinase into the cavity of hematoma. 结论硬通道微侵袭技术可在保持颅内压力基本稳定的情况下连续作业,并配合血肿腔内注入尿激酶清除固态血肿部分。
MRI demonstrated that the herniation in nasal cavity were glial tissue and meninges, the signals are abnormal cerebrospinal fluid signal and it was attached to intracranial subarachnoid cavity. 冠状位CT扫描可见筛骨骨质缺损,MRI见鼻腔内囊状异常脑脊液信号,并向上与颅内蛛网膜下腔直接相通,其内有少量脑组织信号。